Monday, September 24, 2012
What good is (conventional) media doing to me?
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Entrepreneur takes a leap of faith
We meet, we exchange ideas, we analyze feasibility, we figure out financial details, and touch almost all aspects of a business plan. They listen, they show interest, they ask questions, they doubt and they dwindle.
They often look for security. Guarantee, or some kind of assurance that their invested time and money would pay off.
They fail to take the leap of faith. There is no guarantee of anything in this imperfect world, my friend! To be an entrepreneur, more than any thing else, you need to take a leap of faith.
Are you ready for this?
Note: Inspired by a talk of Rubana Huq titled: "Perceptions and Realities of a Garment Wallah" at ULAB.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Understanding the heart of USA
It's a land of wealth, innovation, teamwork, freedom and individuality. It's hard to understand how they work in a team, and still retain their personal space and enormous individual freedom.
Life, liberty and in pursuit of happiness -- that's what USA stands for. USA do not guarantee happiness, with the race of super-materialistic life very few should be happy here. I can imagine people in Bhutan are happier than people in USA. What USA guarantee is, you can really pursuit happiness, however flawed your recipe of happiness is.
My friend, Ashfaq, flew to USA 18 years back. He was broke, didn't have money to bear tuition fee, pay rent and even to pay for food. Uncle Sam wouldn't allow him to work legally. His monthly food cost was 15 dollars. It's hard to imagine for both of us while we are talking about this sitting in a fine suburb restaurant, sipping in home brewed beer, each of us haggling to pay the check, which came around $50 -- only for we two.
USA offered him a lot. Offered him enough to live a decent life, chase the girls of her choice, drive a 5,000 cc truck capable to haul a yacht, own most of the gadgets and tools an American adult can think of but a Bangladeshi person would never imagine of -- buy stuff like steam mop and inflatable bed, upgrade home theater for his bedroom and living room every five years, and plan for early retirement.
He is pursuing happiness, however flawed the recipe is.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Focus, or Not
I have been working and studying in USA for a couple of weeks now. I revisited USA after a decade. I am looking at the country with more experienced and educated eyes now.
I don’t see these guys are genius. They are not more hard working either. But each individual here does very good at what he does. They focus on a single area, and be expert of that. When you have a working system based on trust, when components add up to form synergy, you are better off focusing on your niche.
In a developing economy where almost nothing is built you need to build everything from the scratch. You almost end up building every component of the system to reach to a sustainable model. Is this efficient? Surely not. But you have no other choice. That is why Muhammad Yunus, starting with micro credit, ended up founding so many businesses, and now talking about even more. That is why great entrepreneurs like Sir Abed, Akij and Samson H Choudhury built so many businesses. That is why Henry Ford ended up integrating from mining to retailing.
Now that they have other pieces of the system working, they can really focus on a single piece. Keep doing whatever they are good at. Excel on that.
We, on the other hand, are still at the Henry Ford phase. We got to be generalist, keep integrating forward and backward. You can’t imagine the first human being on earth, Adam, was a specialist, can you? He was a generalist!
When no working system exists you need a good number of generalists to build one.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
বেঁচে থাকার আনন্দ
নব্বই-এর কোনো এক বিকেল। আমি বিমানের আভ্যান্তরীণ ফ্লাইটে উঠে বসেছি। আইলের পাশে সিট আমার। বিমান রানওয়ে ছেড়ে ওঠার পরে তখন ধূমপান করা যেত।
হঠাৎ দেখি পরিচিত মুখ ওপাশ থেকে হেঁটে আসছে। স্যান্ডেল পরা, ছেড়ে দেওয়া সাদা সার্ট, হাতা কনুই পর্যন্ত গোটানো। বিমানে সচারচর এরকম সাধারণ পোষাকে সেইসময়ে মানুষ চড়ত না। কিন্তু মানুষটা সাধারণ নন। হুমায়ূন ফরিদী।
আইলের ওধারে এসে সে বসল। একটা সিগারেট ধরালো। সহযাত্রী, তার পরিচিত, ধূমপান বিষয়ে কিছু বলল। “ডাক্তার বলেছে, সিগারেট না ছাড়লে বাঁচব না”, ফরিদী বললেন, “আমি বলেছি, সিগারেট ছাড়লে বেঁচে কী লাভ?”
কুড়ি বছর আগের ঘটনা। ফরিদীকে অবশেষে সিগারেট ছাড়তে হল। সেই সাথে বাঁচাটাও।
তাঁর মত অসাধারণ এদেশে বেঁচে থেকেই বা কী লাভ করত? হয় প্যাকেজ নাটক বানাও, সোপ অপেরা, নয়ত বিজ্ঞাপন বানাও। পেটে ক্ষুধা নিয়ে সংস্কৃতির গুষ্টি উদ্ধার কর, অথবা অপসংস্কৃতির দাসত্ব কর। ফরিদী শেষেরটা বেছে নিয়েছিলেন। কিন্তু সেটা করতে গিয়ে হয়তো তিনি বেঁচে থাকার আনন্দটাই হারিয়ে ফেলেছিলেন।
আমি অভিনয় বিশেষজ্ঞ নই। তবে ফরিদীকে কেন জানি আমার ডাস্টিন হফম্যানের মত মনে হয়। জায়গা মত জন্মালে নির্ঘাৎ এক জোড়া অস্কার জিতে নিতেন।
আল্লাহ তাঁর আত্মাকে শান্তি দিক।
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
What happened is happened, why can’t we move forward?
Couple of weeks ago I met one of my relatives who was actively involved in Chhatro Shibir, a student politics wing of Jamaat-e-Islam. Many of the leaders of Jamaat-e-Islam supported West Pakistan during 1971 liberation war in Bangladesh.
My relative was born after 1971, same like me. He showed his frustration of recent war crime trial and oppression of ruling party on Islamic activists and madrasah students. “What happened 40 years back, is happened. Why can’t we move forward?”
I thought he was a good guy in heart, but had a different view. I thought it was easy to comment, “ What happened is happened,” while you or any of your family was not directly affected. I thought if I killed your family and after 40 years ask you to forget and move ahead, you can’t. I thought if someone’s entire family except him is murdered, you can’t expect him to think rationally. I thought we can’t go ahead unless we resolve old issues. I thought precedence of justice is necessary to build an atmosphere of trust and brotherhood. I thought righteousness, law and order is a prerequisite for business and prosperity.
A killing ground in Dhaka during 1971 genocide, that killed 300,000 or more.
Recently I read an article where Pakistani cricketer Imran Khan voiced a similar concern. Past unresolved issue hinders future progress. It is true for Pakistan. It is true for Bangladesh. It is true for individuals.
You can’t live, love and move ahead with hatred in your heart.